Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Seven Secrets to a Sucessful Speech

Seven Secrets to a Successful Speech

By Brenda Nixon

“You have great eye contact!” The evaluation caught my eye because “seeing” my audience as individuals is one of my goals as a speaker. The eye is the pathway to the heart and when you look at your hearers, you create an engaging keynote address, workshop presentation or speech. Eye contact is a necessary platform mechanic for a winning presentation. Here are seven more:

Open your mouth. Years ago, I took my younger daughter to the pool. While there, I questioned one of the lifeguards, “Where is the clock?” He came back with, “Mumble, mumble.” “What?" I asked. “It’s Mumble, mumble,” he again replied. Now I am not hearing impaired but I could not understand this guy’s words. He barely parted his lips. Get your lips involved, open your mouth and speak.

Breathe deeply and fill your lungs with air. When a speaker is nervous, her breathing becomes abbreviated and her words sound choppy. This detracts from the presentation because audiences get caught in the singsong rhythm of the speaker. Some audience members may wonder if the speaker lost her place. Right before and during my presentations I take in large breaths. This helps me relax and makes for a more fluid presentation.

Body language must be neutral. When you’re on the platform people see you as “the expert.” Being an expert can make some people feel disconnected from you. Try making your body language neutral and inviting. Stand with both feet firmly planted on the floor, legs slightly apart. This is especially difficult for women to master but necessary for an unbiased stance. Similarly, keep arms open, at your side, or use them. Resist the urge to fold your arms across the chest as this can be interpreted as having a closed attitude or the air of superiority. Neutral body language sends the message that even though you are knowledgeable you are approachable.

When you make a point, don’t. Again, when you’re on the platform people may feel subordinate. To be perceived as less threatening or condescending, use a four finger openhanded gesture to make a point. Watch political leaders or persuasive speakers and you’ll see this technique.

Move around. It’s fun to watch a moving target. You don’t have to dance to get attention but neither should you be motionless. When I am sitting in an audience and the speaker stands in one position, I get board. So as a speaker, I move around the platform. I know colleagues who diligently choreograph their movements-I cannot be that precise. However, I genuinely make movements to correspond to my point. Then I observe my audience to see if there is a look of boredom-or worse-somebody is dozing off. Sometimes I determine to become more animated. Try putting some motion behind your emotion.

Speak deliberately and slowly. This requires practice. I practice enunciation and pacing of my words before going on the platform. It ensures each hearer understands and is given time to let my words penetrate. Most of my audiences are feverishly taking notes. By speaking slowly, I grant time to take notes and capture valuable thoughts. When you speak slowly, it also makes you appear to have authority. Pace yourself and avoid rushing through your well-prepared presentation.

Drink water before and during your presentation. Speakers lose about a quart of water while doing their craft. It is thirsty business. We must re-hydrate by taking in water before and during our presentation. Watch professional speakers and you will witness this habit of self-care. Personally, I don’t like my audience watching me take a sip so I often assign a group activity and while they are preoccupied I grab my glass.

Our clients and audience deserve our best efforts. I encourage you to cultivate a professional and successful delivery at your speaking engagements.

Article taken from Brenda's publication “You Can Speak”

Copyright, used by permission

Copies of "You Can Speak" are available for $12.00 contact Brenda at

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